
Sequential Projections Chest X-ray

55.00 44.00


Our Sequential Projections Chest X-ray service offers a more comprehensive view of your chest area, employing multiple angles and projections to capture detailed images of the heart, lungs, airways, blood vessels, and the bones of the chest and spine. This is achieved by taking a series of X-ray images from different angles, typically a frontal (anterior-posterior or postero-anterior) view and a lateral (side) view.

Conducted by our experienced radiology technologists, this service enhances the detection and diagnosis of various chest conditions like lung diseases, heart conditions, and bone abnormalities. The different projections enable the doctors to examine the area of concern in detail and help in determining the size, position, and presence of any abnormality.

With our Sequential Projections Chest X-ray service, we’re dedicated to providing you with an accurate and comprehensive assessment of your chest health. This service ensures precise diagnostics, enabling prompt and effective treatment management.